Foreclosure Prevention
Our Foreclosure Prevention Counseling Programs assist homeowners who are behind or having difficulties in making their mortgage payments. We’re here to help you with services that are free and confidential.
A homeowner’s contract is reviewed by a HUD approved housing counselor
If you're facing foreclosure, it's essential to seek personalized advice to understand your rights and options fully, and as soon as possible. Contact The Housing Council to explore options for avoiding foreclosure or mitigating its impact. You can call us at 585.546-3700 or fill out the intake form on this page.
Your housing counselor can help you create a household budget, based on your income, debt and other factors to assist you in understanding your income, expenses and spending habits. This will help you manage your expenses and debts, prioritize spending, and plan for the future by setting financial goals.
A workout refers to a modified arrangement involving the loan obligations of the borrower, lender, or third parties, potentially leading to the continuation of the loan (e.g., maturity extension) or its termination. Talk to our HUD certified Housing Counselors to learn more by calling us at (585) 546-3700.
During the appointment, your counselor will discuss the specifics of your situation, including:
What caused your financial difficulty
A review and analysis of your monthly household expenses and income
An explanation of the New York State Foreclosure Process and what options are available for your situation
We will create the best action plan suitable for you, with you.
Your counselor will communicate with your lender and answer ANY questions you have during this process. Your file will remain open with your counselor through the entire process. description
What can you do if you find yourself falling behind in your mortgage payments?
The goal of The Housing Council at PathStone is to help homeowners avoid foreclosure. Please call our Housing Hotline immediately at 585.546.3700 if you are concerned about making your housing payments, for free and confidential guidance. The sooner you act, the better. To make an appointment complete the intake forms available on this page. Call our intake specialist at 585.546.3700 ext. 3042 or toll-free at (1)833.229.8973 to discuss any immediate concerns you may have. DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL with any questions. We offer follow-up appointments in person or by phone.
Please gather the following documents before submitting your Intake Form, as you will need to provide these:
Proof of Income
Photo ID
Copy of last mortgage statement