First-Time Homebuyers
If you are thinking of purchasing your first home, The Housing Council at PathStone is the perfect place to start. We help first-time buyers become better consumers by learning the basics of home purchase and educate you on different grant programs. Regardless of what lender you may be working with, contact us. We offer education, one-on-one counseling, and possible financial assistance towards purchasing a new home. We will teach you everything you need to know so you can achieve your dream with confidence.
frequently asked questions
You are ready to get started if the following are true
▪ Credit score of 620 or higher
▪ No collections or past due balances
▪ Bank pre-approved and or pre-qualification letter
▪ Consistent income and savings geared toward homeownership
In severe debt situations (collections, judgements, high outstanding balances) you can contact:
Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Rochester at (585) 546-3440 or visit
Rochester Financial Empowerment Center at (585) 252-7110 or visit their website.
Both of these organizations can provide you with support to restore your financial health.
▪ Significant collection debt
▪ Credit score below 600
▪ Currently working in a debt management program
▪ Impending eviction or issues with a landlord or property owner
The Housing Council offers the 6-hour homebuyer education course in a couple of different ways:
▪ Online courses are offered in two separate, three-and-a-half hour sessions, held monthly from 5:00 PM – 8:30 pm.
▪ In person classes are offered on select Saturdays, from – 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, in one six-hour session.
Find out the exact dates, times and registration information on our calendar page. You MUST pre-register for these classes, as tickets are limited and classes fill up quickly.
▪ eHome America - Online course that can be taken at your leisure (this course does not satisfy the education requirement for the Monroe County Grant.) This is a self-paced, six-hour course, available in English and Spanish. It does meet the requirements of many other grant and bank programs. If you’re ready to buy and only need to take a homebuyer education course, this may be the best option for you. Visit the eHome America website to get started.
If you’re unsure which course is the best for you, or whether it meets your grant or bank requirements, call us for more information at 546-3700.
Our classes meet the requirements for the following grant programs:
· Homebuyer Dream Program
· ESL’s First-time homebuyer program
· Monroe County down payment assistance program*
· City of Rochester Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP)
*eHome America does not meet the requirements for this grant, but all of our other classes do.
If you are not interested or eligible for down payment assistance grants, you could choose to take our eHome America course to complete your homebuyer education. It is a, self-paced, online course, available 24/7. It is available in English or Spanish and anyone interested in educating themselves on the homebuying process can take the course.
Our Homebuyer Education Session 1 is free and specifically available for those who are still questioning their homebuyer readiness. This class will provide information on the overall buying process, and you will learn budgeting and saving tips to get a head start on preparing to buy your new home.
It is offered at no charge, so if you’re not quite sure, you can learn more without having to invest anything other than your time. Visit our Calendar page for registration information, dates and times.
All of our courses are taught by HUD-certified instructors who can answer any questions that you may have. You can also call us at 546-3700 or email us with any questions about our program.
“Every man who thinks at all, must know that home is the fountainhead, the inspiration, the foundation and main support, not only of all social virtue but of all motives to human progress, and that no people can prosper, or amount to much, unless they have a home, or the hope of a home.”